The American cowboy drew many of his customs from ranchers in Mexico.
The correct answers are:
While this philosophical and spiritual doctrine originated in what today is India and Nepal, it spread largely through China around the 6th century AD. From China, it entered in Korea where it became the main religion and developed its own interpretation and variants.
Confucianism is a set of moral doctrines that emerged in China following the teachings of Kung-Fu-Tzu (Confucius) around the 6th century BCE. This philosophy shaped strongly the social and political life of China and other Eastern Asian peoples, like Korea.
Movable type
The Movable type is a printing technology, and the first known technology of this kind was invented in China in the 11th century AD by the Chinese inventor Bi Sheng. From China, this technology entered in Korea and during the 13th century the Koryo dynasty invented a metallic movable type.
Celadon pottery
Celadon is a kind of ceramic originally from China. Celadon pottery entered into Korea from China and it became very popular and an important cultural feature of this country. Korean celadon pottery was very extended mainly during the 10th and 11th centuries under the Goryeo dynasty, that produced the Goreyo pottery also known as classic Korean ceramic.
Answer: D) Overriding a veto</h3>
When both houses of Congress agree on a law, they send the final bill to the President for it to be signed into law. If the President doesn't agree, then s/he has the option to veto the bill. After this point, the Congress has the option to override the veto if 2/3 of both houses agree to override.
This means that:
- At least 67 Senators must agree to the override (note how 2/3 of 100 is 66.67 approximately, so 67 is the smallest number that clears this threshold)
- At least 290 House of Representative members must agree to the override. This figure is due to (2/3)*435 = 290. There are currently 435 house members.
Both of those conditions listed above must be met for a veto override to occur. This is extremely difficult and rare considering the polarizing political climate. On things that nearly everyone agrees about, the President would likely not veto the bill (since the President is likely to agree with the Congress on such issues), and a veto override wouldn't even need to be considered.
Japan's reforms from 1868 to 1912 enabled the country to grow stronger economically, develop its own resources and force an end to unfair treaties. They did not deal with the west on equal terms.
emma goss 2002 dont know relibitly sorry if wrong