C. Deceptive
He made it seem like him and fortunato were on good terms when really he was bad mouthing him in his mind and lead fortunato to his death
stuck up, use the bible to excuse them being homophobic, if they hear the word sex they go up in flames bc its a sin.... but they have 5 kids and 3 ex wives/ husbands
Answer: The setting of “The Colomber” is the sea. The sea is a spooky setting because it has so many unexplored regions, too deep for most man-made machines to explore. It is also spooky that the colomber wanders the ocean because the oceans are all interconnected. Stefano will always be on some continent surrounded by ocean. Although he may be far away from the edge of shore, he’s always surrounded. This enforces the theme in the story that one cannot escape one’s fears. No matter where Stefano is, the lure and the presence of the ocean (which is home to the creature he most fears) is always waiting for him.
b. objective
To say that someone is 'good' or 'strong' is not objective because it is based on your own values, perceptions and judgement. So, someone else might have a very different perception of those adjectives based on his own experience and values.
It's not objective, it's subjective, because it depends of the subject (individual) saying those words, on what they define is good, on what they believe is strong and so on.
Objective means it's something that everyone agrees on, that has a general consensus among the population. For example, saying someone is beautiful/handsome implies your own criteria of beauty, which may or may not be shared by others. But if you say someone is tall, then it can be measured and quantified to determine if it's really the case or not, it's not dependent on someone's opinion or feelings.