Simplify both to 1/2 because both numerators are half of their denominators. Then multiply straight across to 1/4.
The price of marked up candy is $6.00
perentage of mark up is 300%
let the marked up amount be represented as x
let 300% mark up be represented as 3x
the equatiopn for finding the price before markup
can be represented as 3x-x=$6.
Answer: the number that are at the left side of the decimal is the whole numbers and the ones at the right are like the ones less than the whole numbers
Step-by-step explanation:
i think that because it's multiplying by 3.
3*3= 9
5*3= 15
7*3= 21
9*3= 27
This is the only way i could think of helping in some sort of way! I'm sorry if it's wrong! (´。_。`)
Have a great day! (´。_。`) / (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
( ゚д゚)つ Bye