Lusitania was primarily used to ferry people and goods across the Atlantic Ocean between the United States and Great Britain. The sinking was important because
Its sinking caused moral outrage both in Britain and in the US and led, ultimately, to the USA declaring war against Germany.
Pheonician empire is the correct answer.
I'm not sure if this will help, but Twain was against imperialism. He spoke out against what happened in the Philippines during the Philippine-American War (in which rebels fought against the US for not recognizing them as a republic -- this after the Spanish American War) and was concerned over the direction that the country was taking with those actions. Keith, on the other hand, was a businessman and entrepreneur who eventually created the United Fruit Company. Through his business holdings in Costa Rica and the Central American region, his companies managed to influence a great deal of the local economy. Instead of using armies and soldiers to take over a country, his companies did the same thing -- through the economy -- turning many areas into private preserves that fed his business interests. In that way, he was definitely something of an imperialist.
They were making new things