- IFCO for 20x7 as it is reported comparatively in the 20x8 statements = $5,600
- IFCO for 20x8 = $6,800
1) IFCO for 20x7 as it is reported comparatively in the 20x8 statements, should not include the $400 operating income from the component = $6,000 - $400, or $5,600.
2) IFCO for 20x8 should not include the gains resulting from the disposal of the component nor the losses generated by it = $7,000 - $300 + $100 = $6,800
are careers that are focused on running businesses.
The Business, Management, and Administration career cluster includes business skills essential to efficient, productive operations for any company (Administrative and information support, Business analysis, Business, financial management and accounting, Human resources, Management..) The Business, Management, and Administration career cluster is best described with the following: These are careers that are focused on running businesses.
Correct answer: A
Ebay’s corporate and sales websites have a lot of differences, the most notable being the lack of interface to purchase products on the corporate site. Another difference is that the corporate website is more like a newsfeed, showing achievements, advertisements, etc, for the company, whereas the sales site has lots of pictures and products, and it is more visually pleasing because of the colours. A final difference is there is a lot less text and writing on the sales website than on the corporate website.
Some qualities I associate with Ebay are:
That the products sold on the website are often cheaper than in the shops, because you are purchasing directly from the business.
Another quality that i think of is that it enables small businesses to start their companies without the costs of properties. as well as providing big corporations with somewhere to ensure they get sales.
A final quality that i associate with Ebay is the ability to sell your unwanted things to people, therefore making some profit.
I think Ebay does not have a target market, as when you access their sales website, they have products for every age group, baby toys, phones, mobility scooters, etc.
An example of a desire-based advertisement i have seen is the Galaxy advertisement, where the chocolate is portrayed as a luxury product that is desired by everyone.
An example of fear-based advertising is toothpaste advertisements, where they show what could happen if you don’t use their product, which makes you want to buy it.
You're welcome.