Depending o nif strangers include other middle schoolers you don't know, there can be various ways!
-Posting on social media, spreading positivity through posts
-Complimenting people you don't know on specific things (just don't make it creepy)
-Volunteering at soup kitchens, clothing drives, etc
-Smiling at people you see on the street
-Being nice towards everyone, even if they haven't been nice to you
-Helping people who are in need of help (Ex: someone just fell and you help them up, someone dropped something and you can afford to pick it up for them)
-Even something as simple as holding the door open for someone!!
br regsydhfhfucjfychxjchchvhv
Explanation: Conan Doyle,
Since that time has been blown u and was poluar most people were following, because one it was such big change and they did not know what eles to feel at the time.
sorry if thats not what it is asking
It first became an issue in the U.S. after the Civil War. Many felt that the trademark value of the American flag was threatened on at least two fronts in the years immediately following the Civil War: once by the preference of white Southerners for the Confederate flag, and again by the tendency of businesses to use the American flag as a standard advertising logo. Hope, you will find it helpful. In case, it is different from what you need, check it at PrimeWritings. I absolutely love them.