Reformers in the U.S. adopted the idea that students should have access to the same content at similar grade levels.
Since the 60s, an electronic medical record system has been used, in order to simplify and make easier the access to medical records of many patients. In recent years, the goal of providing high quality medical service led the Government to enact the ARRA, which stands for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009, that contains financialincentives for those physicians and hospitals that adop the Electronic Health Records or EHR system.
It basically works by distributing a series of bonuses throughout physicians and hospitals who show they are using the EHR to increase the quality of the treatments they are providing to patients, and it is expected that this program would distribute over $30 billion after it was adopted in 2009.
The earliest Chinese people did not have to worry about invasions from foreign countries because of their strong army and geography. The Chinese army present in ancient times were very strong and able to defend their lands. Chinese also build china wall in order to protect their lands from the invasion of other people. The geography of china also made difficult for the invaders to capture china.
capture and killing of Osama bin Laden
when making ethical decisions on behalf employer, should you the impact on others outside your employer.