it was a long flight but eventually we arrived in the USA.
Sanger Rainsford and his hunting partner Whitney are traveling on the river to hunt the legendary giant cat of that region, the jaguar.
Rainsford listens to cannon shots, loses his pipe and when trying to recover it falls out of his boat in the Caribbean sea and swim to an island where he meets Zaroff (the general).
He decided to live on an island where he could capture shipwrecked and send them to the jungle to turn them into their prey.
Reinsford manages to wound the general on one shoulder, to scape the general, Rainsford throws himself off a cliff.
Zaroff believes that Rainsford has committed suicide and returns home.
The repercussion of the happening might be enough to destroy a business if people spread the news about a place that sells contaminated food.
In addition to that, the organization might be sued. It can also lose its license for food safety violations.
If an employee is to blame, specifically, he or she can be fired and most likely will be.
Also, a business will most likely pay a fine for the violating the safety regulations and it is possible that the business will receive a court order to change its food safety practices and policies if not removed from business.