Well, to add fractions, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the smallest common denominator would be 12. So you must multiply each fraction so that both denominators are 12. 3/4*3/3=9/12 1/3*4/4=4/12 Add those two fractions together, reduce if possible, and you have your answer! 9/12+4/12=13/12 You can't reduce, so 13/12 is your answer. Hope it helps! -Lacy
(-1.5,3) Y=3 which is up 3 and a horizontal line and 2x+y=0 can be written as y=-2x so in order to get -1.5 you have to make y=3 cause y=3 and when you do that it should look like 3/-2=-2/-2x so x=-1.5