The poem "ode to the west wind" Consists of five sections or what we call "cantos". written in Terza rima (an interlocking three-line scheme). Each of the sections consist of four tercets( set or group of three lines of verses that rhyme together).....(ABA,BCB,CDC,DED). And a rhyming couplet (EE) the poem is written in iambic pentameter(a line or verse with five metrical feet).
A boy is (herding) the buffalo in the rice field
Część ćwiczenia jest odcięta, ale najwyżej można podać pierwsze kilka przykłady:
Hi Sue, what do you do?
I watch ...
I study ... After that, I read ...
How do you spend ...
Well, most days I wake up ... then I usually go ...
I would like vanilla bean ice cream with lots of whipped cream, oh and a nice cherry on top.
The commas must be placed both before and after the nonessential element. For example...
My mom, who hates cooking, ordered takeout.
"who hates cooking" is the nonessential element, and you can see that a comma goes before and after it.