The answer is 'tracert'. Tracert or traceroute command is a form of a diagnostic tool which allows you to capture information as the packet is sent from the source and destination providing the route taken and measure of delay across the IP network.
def feet_to_inches( feet ):
inches = feet * 12
print(inches, "inches")
The code is written in python. The unit for conversion base on your question is that 1 ft = 12 inches. Therefore,
def feet_to_inches( feet ):
This code we define a function and pass the argument as feet which is the length in ft that is required when we call the function.
inches = feet * 12
Here the length in ft is been converted to inches by multiplying by 12.
print(inches, "inches")
Here we print the value in inches .
Here we call the function and pass the argument in feet to be converted
A speed govenor
speed governor is an electronic device linked to the gearbox where sensors capture the movement of the vehicle. If the vehicle exceeds the specified speed limit, the device automatically slows the vehicle.
A. How many marathons you have run, because it doesn't relate to the job you're applying for.
C. org
org is an open domain so anyone is allowed to register a .org domain