The correct answer is B) African-Americans began moving North seeking job opportunities.
The Great Migration is when thousands of African-Americans moved to Northern industrial cities. This is due to the increased amount of factory jobs available thanks to World War I. Along with this, African-Americans also enjoyed less discrimination in the North in comparison to the South. Even though racism existed still in the North, there were not as many Jim Crow laws that affected African Americans on a daily basis.
White merchants, small landowners, and former whigs.
Because Johnson was thinking in terms of conventional warfare. He thought that because his army was larger, his air force was tougher and better trained, his navy was massively larger, the equipment provided to his troops infinitely better, there would be no contest.
He did not understand 2 things about Vietnam.
1. He forgot that the Vietnamese had been fighting the French (and beating them). The French in effect had changed the Vietnamese into battle hardened soldiers.
2. The Vietnamese fought a guerrilla style of warfare. The came the delivered hard jabs and disappeared into the night. Conventional war tools don't easily adapt to that kind of warfare.