Manifest Destiny
Have a nice day
B. Mission San Antonio de Valero
Mission San Antonio de Valero was established on May 1, 1718, as the first Spanish mission along the San Antonio River.
W.E.B. Du Bois aws a co- founder of the N.A.A.C.P., the National Association for the Advancement of the People. He urged African Americans to fight gor equal rights. As an activist he was known as the "Father of Pan-Africanism". His inclination came more left winged and joined the American Labour.
Indian Removal Act was passed which resulted in the forced displacement of the Native Americans to reservation lands
Due to the belief of Manifest destiny, Americans decided to settle in the west of the Appalachians which was the primary area of the native american tribes like Cherokee,Chickasaw, Choctaw, Muscogee Creek and Seminole peoples. the western tribal land became valuable because it was fertile and congenial for settling. The states which saw them included in such lands pressured the federal Government to enact the Indian removal act. "trail of Tears" is the route in which the native Americans undertook their journey by foot for displacement.
During this move, many dies out of exhaustion, starvation and cold. US gained millions of square miles of territory for settling. Much of the fertile land were used for cotton production and many slaves were employed in the plantations. Thus southern economy ran basically on agriculture and slavery.
The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments in the Constitution. These were put in after people wanting certain freedoms and rights in America. Federalists supported the amendments along with the Constitution because it gave people individual liberty, but Anti-Federalists felt as if the Constitution and its amendments gave the President and government too much power and the people should essentially self-govern and make their own laws.