Not a complete article, but:
Pros: You get places faster, more efficiently
Cons: Pollution, car crashes
6. I agree with you up to a point. 5. I couldn't agree with the opinons being more expressed 1. I'm sorry but I can't agree with you.
I’ll give you some ideas.
1. Asked for help when completing a math assignment. Felt embarrassed to need helpful but once I received the help I felt accomplished.
2. I had asked for help when I was unsure of which direction my class was. I felt okay to ask for help since it had been the first week of school. Once they helped me out I felt appreciative towards them.
3. I asked for help when searching for a certain book. I felt nervous to ask an employee, but once they helped me find it I realized I shouldn’t have worried in the first place.
This was super rushed. Sorry!