Mollie is at the stage of generativity. At this stage people usually consider or review their contributions to family, job and the general society. It is a period when individuals look past themselves and try to continue their lives through others. They often do this by becoming mentors to others, teaching positive values and attitudes. If individuals do not achieve this they fall into stagnation.
A = radial
b = bilateral
c = radial
d = radial
e = asymmetry
f = bilateral
D. Proclamation of Neutrality
During the French Revolution, Revolutionary Franch declared war on Great Britain. Many European countries supported Britain against France. George Washington, the first president of the United States, believed that his country was too young and week to get involved in foreign wars. So to prevent United States or its citizens from getting involved in the war, he issued the Proclamation of Neutrality. It legally forbade American citizens from providing any kind of aid either Britain or France.
In this scenario, Greg's actions exemplify social loafing.
Greg's action are exemplifying the term social loafing. In social psychology, social loafing is used to refer to individuals who, when working in groups, exert less effort. It offers an explanation as to why some groups can be inefficient. There are people who present this tendency to not work hard when they know others are working. They are less effective and productive when working in a group than they are when working by themselves and when they are responsible for their own results and productivity.
1. Necro- c. Death.
2. Therm- a. Heat.
3. Arachn- e. Spider.
4. Claustr- d. Small space.
5. Soph- b. Wisdom.
1. "Necro" means anything related to death or dying or even dead bodies or corpses. The fear of death of anything death-related is known as necrophobia.
2. The word "therm" is usually related to the term "heat". It is also the unit of heat which makes the fear of heat to be thermophobia.
3. "Arach" is a term relating to the spider family. Thus, the fear of spiders is arachnophobia.
4. "Claust" refers to any small, congested space. Claustrophobia is the fear or small space or an enclosed congested space.
5. Soph is a word related to wisdom or knowledge. Thus, sophobia means to have a huge fear of learning of knowledge or wisdom.