Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) stimulates the corpus luteum to grow and secrete estrogen and progesterone.
I want to be an OBGYN!
Mutation can cause instant adaptation while natural selection is the process by which adaptation occurs over a series of generations.
C)Alcoholic and lactic acid
Answer:(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ The light areas of the Moon are known as the highlands. The dark features, called maria (Latin for seas), are impact basins that were filled with lava between 4.2 and 1.2 billion years ago.
Explanation: (∩^o^)⊃━H~O~P~E T~H~I~S H~E~L~P~S!~
Answer: irregular,inconsistent, unsteady, uneven, shaky, fitful, patchy, variable, varying, changeable, changing, ever-changing, on-and-off, off-and-on, inconstant, erratic, haphazard, unstable, unsettled, spasmodic, sporadic, episodic, intermittent, occasional, unpunctual, wavering, fluctuating, aperiodic, unsystematic, unmethodical, ...