In the context of web and network privacy issues, new employees in an organization have to sign an acceptable use policy (AUP) before they access the network. This usage policy<span> or fair use policy, </span> provides guidance and set of rules for using the network and network resources and protects the network and the users.
WAN or wide area network
The Internet is the most basic example of a WAN. It is connecting all computers together around the world.
Try refreshing the page, if not restart your device check your internet etc.
Access the File<span> menu, choose </span>Info Pane<span> to get to </span>Backstage view, you can see Properties on t<span>he area on the right side </span>of the current PowerPoint presentation. <span>Within the </span>Properties<span> pane click the </span>Show All Properties<span> option , T</span><span>his will displays properties such as </span>Size<span>, the number of </span>Slides<span>, </span>Hidden Slides<span>, the number of </span>Multimedia Clips, etc. Some of the entries are editable w<span>ithin the </span>Properties pane, and some are not. Just move your mouse cursor over any detail of a property. The editable sections will change the cursor into edit mode.