* There is a little typo in printf. It should be "\n".
Initially, the value of the first is 1, and the value of the second is 2. Then, do_something(&second, first) is called. The value of the <em>first</em> will still be 1. However, there is a call by reference for <em>second </em>variable. That means the change made by the function <em>do_something</em> will affect the value of the <em>second</em> variable.
When you look at the calculation inside the <em>do_something</em> function, you may see that value of the <em>second</em> will be 35.
The SMPTE created an organized system of film technology, development, and distribution.
The SMPTE opened the door for Union organization within the film industry is true but not the most significant outcome of the formation of the SMPTE. However, the second option is certainly the most significant outcome as SMPTE is the most organized system of film technology, development, and distribution. And the other two options are also correct but the most significant outcome of the formation of the SMPTE is the second option.