Lazarus, in her poem, ‘Heroes, an inspiring work’ emphasizes the fact that some people who accept their lives as it is should receive more appreciations. Whereas, Wilcox, in her poem, explains that there is no necessity to accept life as it is. She strongly believes that if someone commits an error, they must try to resolve it. She also explains that it is not a bad idea to rebuild a life again. The following lines illustrate her strong approach towards regret,
''If he will stand firm on the grave of his errors,
His good sense of humor was transferred <u>to</u> his son.
My granny was bad at English, but she was fluent <u>in</u> French.
He fell <u>in</u> love <u>with</u> Ann the very moment he saw her.
She used to make funny dolls <u>in</u> her free time.
I'll throw <u>away</u> that jumper if you don't stop wearing it all the time!
You better devote more time <u>towards</u> your children. They always lack your attention.
She hadn't told me she was getting married that's why I was angry <u>at</u> her.
He can't be at home. I'm sure he is <u>at</u> work.
His family moved <u>to</u> Paris when he was a little child.
No one helped her. She did the whole house <u>on</u> her own.
Side note: Some of these prepositions can be substituted out for others. If you have a list that you are supposed to be using, comment it below and I can help substitute them!