It treats people unusually under the law, according to income, which is unjust.
The number of green bodied insect would probably increase in the grass habitat. The insects that are green would be harder to spot by predators and therefore more likely to survive and produce offspring. The process of natural selection would favor the green color of the body and the future generations will have an increase in numbers of green bodied individuals over the tan bodied individuals.
The answer is B Because fat (myelin) acts as an insulator, membrane coated with myelin will not conduct an impulse.
The process is ocurring by steps, starting with depolarization.
1- Na+ permeability > K+ permeability
2- Vm (membrane potential) approaches ENa+ (quilibrium potential for potassium)
3- K+ permeability > Na+ permeability
4- Vm (membrane potential) approaches EK+ (quilibrium potential for potassium)
Fuel cell electric vehicles are powered by hydrogen
they only emit water vapor and warm air