Social media platforms cause low attention stands. The longer a teenager stays on social media the more they don't focus on another thing than that app. Technology corrupts the human mind. It shows us things that we believe is real even though it isn't. Every day when on social media we kill our brain cells and slow lose the ability to focus on other things. if we are unable to focus on others things than we won't be able to learn in school, talk to others in person, ect. it takes a long time to try and restore your focus spans. So if you use social media every day for multiple hours, i would suggest taking a break and putting your phone down.
Answer: For question 33, the answer is C, 34 is A
Explanation: 33: In 33, the silk road did lessen travel distances, and it connected all of china and india, not just china. 34 is A, because splitting power between the 3 branches was a way of making sure that not one branch was powerful enough to lead the country on its own, and that eliminated people trying to take supreme control
Joseph Stalin was dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from 1929 to 1953
Hmm, I'll try to help you bud :3
Dear principal,
I would like to have a school garden because it would help out the community alot. School gardens provide alot of nutrition and healthy benefits which shows here that "crops such as tomatoes, carrots, and peppers" which are healthy vegetables. And it says here about food local banks "The food grown in the garden can be donated to local banks, which will make students feel proud about helping their neighbors." It also has benefits in studying in parts of their lessons. It says here " Math teachers can take their students out to the garden to measure the heights of different plants" So it benefits for the teachers/students/staff/neighbors, so you should allow to have a school garden principal :3