Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295
WWI was caused by many things, among them was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand leading to the Austria-Hungary empire declaring war on Serbia which dragged most of Europe into the war due to alliances. The U.S. entered the war due to Germanys war tactics and the Zimmermann note.
Well, if these people are not satisfied, they can have two ways, either to be part of a union and make strikes and disaster, or second, to write a letter to the government explaining how they feel, and they should make sure the letter is signed by a notary, then it will have more importance.
The United States bolstered the Afghan resistance warriors after the USSR's 1979 attack on Afghanistan. Their ill-conceived intrusion transformed into a setback-filled and money related failure as the Afghans battled dauntlessly - and with American hello there-tech weapons, for example, Stinger rockets, at last, drove the Soviets from their nation.