I would lean towards true, since they hadn't expected to be executed. They had been held captive for a while at that point, under house arrest, and were permitted some privledges- treated relatively well. If one can consider that to be trust.
carolina planters tried to avoid social isolation by attending events in cities.
Answer: d
Dahil ang latitud ay ang isang distansyang angular na natutukoy sa pamamagitan ng dalawang parallel patungo sa hilaga o timog ng ekwador. at ang longhitud ay ang sinisimbolo ng Griyegong titik na lambda, at ang heograpikong koordinado na karaniwang ginagamit sa kartograpiya at pandaigdigang paglalayag para sa silangan-kanlurang pagsukat.
Dorothy West was a black American who lived at a time when blacks were discriminated against. Dorothy West in "Amateur Night in Harlem" paints a picture of the Great Depression as a time when the Whites and Blacks did not get along.
- The mood of the mixed-race crowd was changed when a white man was allowed to sing a song that racially profiled the blacks. Despite the fact that he was booed, the emcee allowed him to sing and this hurt the black audience.
In that article, Dorothy West started with a description of a crowd having a good night. The polity became tensed when the blacks felt insulted by a song that was performed by a white man.
This song reminded them of how they have had to slave for the whites. They leave the crowd feeling dejected.
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It is considered to be important and in a way of calming down the customer as having to listen and understand them is a way of letting them know that you care about them and their current situation. This will enable them to vent on their problems and to prevent them from having to burst out in an outrage if you-- as an employee, fail to recognize your customer's needs.