The passage states that leaves have a lot of organs made up of cells while describing plant leaves' organs.
It's not B, because the statement is false.
It's not C because C was focused on only palisade and guard cells leaving the rest of the passage behind
The process of sharing results and working together to develop new hypotheses and experiments is known as collaboration.
B is the most likely consequence because of the following facts we are told:
- After apple trees were introduced, some apple maggots began feeding from and laying their eggs on apple trees
- Adult apple maggots will only mate on the type of tree on which they were born.
This provides a geographical isolation (because they are feeding and laying eggs on separate trees) and reproductive isolation (because they will only mate on the type of tree on which they are born).
These two factors increase the chances that apple maggots feeding on apple trees will only encounter those who have mated on the same tree, and continue to mate this way. Over time, the populations (i.e. apple tree vs hawthorn tree) will intermix less and less. This will mean the genetic pool will become distinct, and natural selection will be acting differently (different habitats and different genes), encouraging speciation.
❤️Hello!❤️ In my opinion, i'm against GMO's. First of all you need to understand what GMO stands for, GMO means (Genetically Modified Organisms) and does that REALLY sound appealing to eat (Be honest). So now we have that covered i'm going to tell you some reasons why YOU should avoid Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's). First of all GMO's are unhealthy, according to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Second of all, GMO's contaminate forever. GMO's cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. It is impossible to fully clean up our contaminated gene pool. Self propagating GMO pollution will outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The impact is huge, threatening the health of future generations. Third of all, GMO's increase herbicide use, most GMO crops are engineered to be “Herbicide tolerant”―they deadly weed killer. Monsanto, for example, sells Roundup Ready crops, designed to survive applications of their Roundup herbicide. Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMO's. Overuse of Roundup results in “superweeds,” resistant to the herbicide. This is causing farmers to use even more toxic herbicides every year. ♒️ Hope this helps!♒️ ↪️ Autumn ↩️
If this is for the scientific process unit, the answer is passing laws to prevent certain types of scientific research. I know because I had this question in biology.