A compiler is often used when you want to test your code; that would often be your second step.
This question belongs to scratch programming. This programming language has various instructions to carry out various tasks. There are different types of repeat statement available. This statement or instruction allows the user / programmer to repeat certain line of statements to a number of times. Here, according to the question, we need to use “Repeat after me”
If you take a music note, the tempo, timing and pitch needs to be mentioned clearly and “:” represents that a particular note to be repeated only once.
<span>C) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
hope it helped
C++ code is given below
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct Car {
char reportingMark[5];
int carNumber;
string kind;
bool loaded;
string destination;
void input(Car *);
void output(Car *);
int main() {
Car *T = new Car;
delete T;
return 0;
void input(Car *T)
string str, s;
cout << " Enter the reporting mark as a 5 or less character uppercase string: ";
cin >> str;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
T->reportingMark[i] = toupper(str[i]);
cout << " Enter the car number: ";
cin >> T->carNumber;
cout << " Enter the kind: ";
cin >> T->kind;
cout << " Enter the loaded status as true or false: ";
cin >> s;
istringstream(s) >> boolalpha >> T->loaded;
if (T->loaded == true) {
cout << " Enter the destination: ";
getline(cin, T->destination);
T->destination = "NONE";
void output(Car *T)
cout << " Reporting Mark: " << T->reportingMark;
cout << " Car Number: " << T->carNumber;
cout << " Kind: " << T->kind;
cout << " Loaded Status: " << boolalpha << T->loaded;
cout << " Destination: " << T->destination << " ";
I think that people have lost their jobs because of an increase of computers. Also, a<span>utomobiles can crash and injure and kill people. </span><span>Ships can be sunk. </span><span>Poorly constructed or maintained machinery can harm the workers. </span><span>The telegraph put the pony express out of business. </span><span>Many factories pollute the water and air. </span>