Firewalls are connected with a network device which blocks untrusted network forming a barrier in between trusted and un-trusted network.
HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web(www).
usa is the server name which is used address in the DNS record
.gov is the Domain names which are used to identify more then one IP addresses
Agencies/federal.shtml a directory is a collection of file resources also called the resource ID.
Latency of an object O is shown below.
W segment and stalled state transmits nothing and waits for acknowledgement. The latency is 2 R TT + the time required for server that are using to transmit the object + the amount of time when server is in stalled state. Let K be the number of window that is K= O/WS .The serveries stalled state where K-1 is period of ime with period lasting RTT-(W-1)S/R
latency = 2RTT +O/R +(K-1)[S/R +RTT - WS/R]
After combining the two case
latency = 2 RTT + O/R + (K-1)[S/R +RTT - WS/R]
where [x] means maximum of (x.0). This is the complete ananlysis of the static windows.
server time for transmit the object is (K-1)[S/R +RTT - WS/R]
The while loop is used and the factors of the integer are computed by using the modulus operator and checking if the remainder of the number divided by i is 0. 3. Then the factors of the integer are then again checked if the factor is prime or not.