The Progressives were people advocating social reform. They believed in science and technology, and were very political people.
The best way to measure public opinion is through opinion polls - B
With opinion polls you get an idea what is the general idea about a certain topic from the public, as you usually get a high enough sample to deduce the relevant information.
To answer your second question I would say it is either B or C as being a sole proprietor usually makes you subjec to being a small business or you're forced to use factors of production less efficiently.
No it is not fair because muslim are making different kind of bad rule for non muslim
You would wrap them with Toilet paper..... DUH!
For 391 years, going from 794 to 1185, the real power in Japan was in the hands of the Fujiwara family (A option), they achieved that by monopolizing regent positions. The seize of power by abdicated emperors at the 11th century followed by the rise of the Samurais led to Fujiwara's gradual decline.