D)One big superclass can be used instead of many little classes.
Inheritance could be described as getting new class on another existing class with almost same execution,
inheritance allows codes to be re-used. It should be noted that inheritance bring about the code sharing among class.
The advantages of using inheritance includes but not limited to
✓ Code that is shared between classes needs to be written only once.
✓Similar classes can be made to behave consistently.
✓ Enhancements to a base class will automatically be applied to derived classes.
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1. Make sure that your pc is on.
2. Press your Window key - on your bottom left of your keyboard you will see a window key.
3. After pressing it will show a tab on your bottom left of your monitor.
4. On that tab you will see an (All Programs) text.
5. Click it and it will show all programs available on your pc.