Christians believe that it is part of their duty to act in a moral way. This involves helping others around them. The Church can play a vital role in assisting Christians to help others by providing: food banks – places where people living in poverty can go and collect some food.A person who teaches a Church class. This may include classes for children, youth or adults. These classes are usually taught as part of Sunday worship services with the purpose of strengthening personal faith and increasing knowledge of the scriptures and Church doctrine.There are many ways a teacher can fulfill his responsibilities. For example, he can set a proper example, be a good home teacher, greet the members at church, prepare the sacrament, help at home, and be a peacemaker.
A long telegram was sent by George Kennan to the Department of State. In the telegram, he detailed his views on the Soviet Union and the US policy toward the communist state. He started it off by stating that the Soviet could not foresee a "permanent peaceful coexistence" with the West.
McCulloch vs Maryland was a landmark case of the United States.
The case of McCulloch vs Maryland was one of the most interesting and a land marking case in the United States of America. This case change the federal power of the government. The McCulloch vs Maryland case dated back to 1819.
The decision of this case given by the US Supreme Court limited the legislative powers of the US Congress and it scoped its powers to the State Legislature.
The Supreme Court said that a National Bank would be established by the United States' Congress and that the state of Maryland would not have the power to the tax branches of the US federal government.
Broadly it interpreted the power of the Congress and increased the national powers.