The problem faced by Weimar Republic are as follows :
1.Due to the heavy war reparations to be paid Germany was economically very weak.
2. France had occupied the Ruhr region of Germany to forcibly pay the war indemnity.
3. Profit from agriculture diminished and there was a large scale unemployment in the country.
4. The Great Depression totally established the economy and the prosperity of some years came to an end.
5. The weimar Republic could not fulfill the ambition of the people. It was a weak government mostly with coalitions ruling at the Centre. The governments were dissolved very frequently.
The main appeal for the indenture contract for someone looking for work was that it was short time period compared to the amount of money exchanged. When people started sailing over the "New World", young people who have enough money would ask people or specifically rich families to work for families for no pay.
In the steam and leaf chart there are 11 numbers that are at least 60 but less than 90.
In many areas (most notably, the Netherlands and Denmark) a cooperative movement spread ... Developments in technology and organization reshaped social structure. ... to exist in western Europe, but it increasingly had to adapt to new methods.