Non Assertive seperation strategy
used by those who assume that some segregation is part of everyday life in the U.S.;
A) Keep Russia in World War I
Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning was proposed by Ivan Pavlov that informed in the psychology as learning of behaviorism. Classical conditioning is also called the learning of behavior where the conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditional stimulus to produce a behavior response.
For example, To teach dogs with the sound of buzzer being fed is based on classical conditioning.
There are different type of behavior therapy are used to modify the behavior of a person such as desensitization, flooding, etc.
c) proactive interference
Proactive interference: Proactive interference happens when the past memories of a person hold him or her from retaining and maintaining new memories.
The proactive interference occurs when a person memorizes a piece of information, for example, formulas and when the person is being asked to remember or recall that information then he or she might forget the earlier part of the information.
Example: A man calls his current girlfriend by his ex-girlfriend's name.
In the question above, the difficulty of Janice is best illustrated by the proactive interference.