Yes a computer can evaluate between a true or false. x < 1, and if the condition is met, the value is true, else its false. A computer itself cannot handle any "maybe" expression, but with the influence of human opinion, in theory its possible. Chocolate cake < Vanilla cake, is an example. Entirely on opinion.
Hubs are very simple devices that connect network components, sending a packet of data to all other connected devices.
Hubs are relatively basic network connectors that send a packet of data to every other connected device. Compared to a hub, a switch is more intelligent and has the ability to filter and forward data to a specific location. Within various networks, switches are utilized. Nodes of the network are any computers or printers connected to it. A network workstation is a personal computer that is linked to a network (note that this is different form the usage of the term workstation as a high-end microcomputer). Nodes of the network are any computers or printers connected to it. A network workstation is a personal computer that is linked to a network.
Learn more about network here-
In total there are 32 keywords in the c programming language.
So here is the code in Python:
n = 0.00 #this is a float because there are some numbers that are decimals.
while n < 20: #n which is 0.00 and while it is lower than 20 if runs the code below
n = n + 1 #it will add 1 to n everything it runs the code.
k = n / 2 #it will divide whatever n is everytime by 2
print(str(n) + '/2: ') # it's printing the number it's on
print(k) # prints the answer for the n.
You can change n to add by any, make n any num instead of 0.00 and you can change the while condition from n < 20 to any other logical statement. If you want to get creative you can take 2 inputs for numbers and make one of them the starting number and other one is the ending number. Also make sure to make n a number lower than you starting point because if you set n as your starting point then it will skip it.