C. Affixes.
Memory tricks are those methods and means that an individual may employ so that he will be able to remember the things that are important and necessary. Different people uses different means of remembering things in their own ways. Some employs the use of acronyms as a way of remembering while others associate it with rhyming words. Some also uses images in their memory tricks, according to what works best for them. But affixes are not part of this memory trick. They are not even usable to be a source of remembering anything. Affixes are rather used to be added to another word as a source of making new words. Acronyms are easy as the initial letters of the words help in easy memorization, rhymes also help in remembering things as well. Images also enables an individual to easily associate a picture with the thing he wants to remember.
Paul Revere's friend will send a secret signal to inform him of the British army's plan.
Out of the following; a detailed explanation
a laugh
a detailed explanation
a single word or phrase
an outpouring of emotion
a detailed explanation
El Nino = the boy
El Nina = the girl
The difference is the gender 9 boy and girl )
During the World War II era, the United States military struggled to find enough able-bodied men to fly the military aircraft. General Henry “Hap” Arnold teamed up with Jacqueline “Jackie” Cochran to create a task force of female pilots to help in the fight against the Axis Powers. The U.S. Air Force had difficulties finding a solution to their conflict: they needed women to fly aircraft on the homeland, but at the time women were prevented from being in the military. The Air Force finally compromised by allowing women to perform only noncombat jobs. Originally, the women were separated into two groups: the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) and the Women’s Flying Training Detachment (WFTD). Later these groups would combine into the group known as the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs). The hard work and perseverance of the WASPs led to the 2015 ruling allowing women into all military positions. Though they encountered much opposition, the WASPs proved that females deserve to be seen as equal to men.