The Byzantine Empire important in helping spread ideas Technology, and religion to the rest of the world as many developments and activities that have changed history
It was their first protection line towards the Mongols that the Byzantine Empire claimed.
This caused the Byzantine Empire to be undermined further, it also managed to spread the bubonic plague that Romans introduced to the fleas and rats along dark net, leading to the Holy Land when merchants from Veneto and Italy brought it to the European market.
The Bubonic Plague was the onset of the medieval period and the culmination of the middle ages. During this time Germany progressed to the Renaissance and Enlightenment, when the technological advancement in Europe grew stronger.
Ultimately, it has served to break the loneliness of Western Europe and to expose it to the universe and commerce. This led to a number of incidents and changes that changed history, making the West become the world's dominant power.
They had to bring troops and supplies over long distances across the Pacific Ocean repeatedly to reach Sapian, the Philippines, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa throughout the war.
corruption and civil wars and major government disputes
As Bookworm83 pointed out already, C nor D couldn't possibly correct, also due to the reason that he was able to come up with the 14 point plan. However, the real answer to your question would be A - he was very shy.
The shyness of Woodrow Wilson has been readily documented in variou sources and is also the reason why it's th ecorrect answer. Overcoming something like shyness was not an easy thing to do for him.
It was the CSS Virginia that was the Confederacy's first ironclad vessel, built on the hull of the Union ship, USS Merrimack, although it turned out to not be terribly useful in wartime