Following the rules can keep you out of trouble and focus on what is important
Showing up at school on time helps you learn discipline
Respecting others will help you go far and will lead to people treating you well.
Being honest helps people trust you
Exercising is good for stress and fitness
Avoiding drugs can keep you out of jail
Working hard leads to achievement
Listening to rap music
Volunteering at the Boys or Girls Club lets you share your knowledge and skills
Tutoring other students shares your knowledge
Answer: everybody in a country works together to make the country work.
The presidents you want to look into are
1. George Washington who refused to serve a third term thus setting the precedent of not serving more than 2 terms.
2. Theodore Roosevelt who wrestled with the prospect of a third term and then decided against doing and then wished he had (run for the 3rd term). He did try again after Taft served one term. Teddy ran under the Bullmoose banner as an independent. He was defeated by Woodrow Wilson who got 41% of the popular vote to Roosevelt's 27%.
3. Franklin Roosevelt who actually did run for 4 terms although he died in office in 1944. He was one of the great presidents of the 20th century and ranks highly among all presidents for what he accomplished.
In 1951, the 22nd Amendment was passed limiting the president's terms in office at 2.
The England's colony in Barbados helped South Carolina to prosper by developing close economic ties with sugar plantations. The settlers emigrated from Barbados bringing their slave code with them that helped in boosting the plantation in South Carolina. The wealthy planters and their slaves coming from Barbados started to develop their commodity crops of sugar and cotton.
Answer: Because resources were so limited and the area so sparsely settled, women participated in work that was typically done only by men. Due in part to these efforts, women were able to inherit and run farms if they became widowed, rather than passing the farms along to male relations as they would in the East.
It was very popular that time