The muckrakers were reform-minded journalists in the Progressive Era in the United States (1890s–1920s) who exposed established institutions and leaders as corrupt. ... The muckrakers played a highly visible role during the Progressive Era. Muckraking magazines—notably McClure's of the publisher S. S.
It is the Speaker of the House
plate tectonics suggests that the ( b. asthenosphere) floats and moves on the ( b. lithosphere)
If there is no democracy, than we have no diversity to live of lifes. We have no right to do anything. No one will have freedom of speech.
The cosmological principle has first been clearly stated by <em>Isaac Newton </em>in the "<em>Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" </em>in 1687. He proved with mathematical proofs on detailed observational data the principle of “universal gravitation”. The oscillating theory is a cosmological model which suggests that the universe we live in is a one of an innumerable series.
Question: Which statement is true?
Answer: <u><em>B. The oscillating universe theory suggests that the universe will expand forever.