The symbol designed by Max is an example of trademark. The correct answer is a.
- Trademark is the symbol, sign, expression or design that signifes the products or services of particular company.
- Trademarks that signifies particular company or service mark if it signifies services, is an intellectual property which no other source can use without permission.
- Brand name is the name of the company that develops the product or service obtained which are also named with the same.
Varga should recognize $50,000 revenue in 2018.
Revenue = $75,000 × 8/12 months
= $50,000
Therefore, Varga should recognize $50,000 revenue in 2018.
c) tries to develop goodwill for a company or even an industry.
Institutional Advertising is an advertising approach - attempting to promote a company, corporation, brand, business, institution, organisation entity. It's direct aim is not to focus on selling goods & services. It rather focuses on building a goodwill, rapport between the entity & the potential customers, associators. It is usually done via community outreach programmes, to address community & social image building largely.
Within this cluster, you'll find that most of the careers require in order to have the knowledge and skills nee. If you're thinking about a career as an applied mathematician, you should consider researching the (STEM, Information Technology, or ArtsA/V Technology and preforming arts) cluster.
For the answer to the question above, I think the answer is because they want <em><u>"</u></em><u><em> to</em></u><u><em> </em></u><span><u><em>reduce their employment risk; increase the company's value" </em></u>that's why they want to diversify</span>
I hope my answer helped you. Have a nice day!