In the United States, a governor serves as the chief executive officer and commander-in-chief in each of the fifty states and in the five permanently inhabited territories, functioning as both head of state and head of government therein.[nb 1] As such, governors are responsible for implementing state laws and overseeing the operation of the state executive branch. As state leaders, governors advance and pursue new and revised policies and programs using a variety of tools, among them executive orders, executive budgets, and legislative proposals and vetoes. Governors carry out their management and leadership responsibilities and objectives with the support and assistance of department and agency heads, many of whom they are empowered to appoint. A majority of governors have the authority to appoint state court judges as well, in most cases from a list of names submitted by a nominations committee.[1]
All but five states (Arizona, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Wyoming) have a lieutenant governor. The lieutenant governor succeeds to the gubernatorial office (the powers and duties but not the office, in Massachusetts and West Virginia), if vacated by the removal from office, death, or resignation of the previous governor. Lieutenant governors also serve as unofficial acting state governors in case the incumbent governors are unable to fulfill their duties, and they often serve as presiding officers of the upper houses of state legislatures. But in such cases, they cannot participate in political debates, and they have no vote whenever these houses are not equally divided.
The US system of federalism is based on state- level and federal powers.
Federalism in united states is defined as constitutional power division which is between the federal government and its state government.
The progress of federalism included new federalism,state-centered and dual.
Federalism brought about political solution whereby there was a problem of confederation of articles and at the federal government.
The anthropologist sights female genital cutting as an emotionally positive validation of womanhood. In addition to medical anthropology, the use of the languages Female Genital Mutilation and Female cutting reflect diverse attitudes concerning the same procedure. The main risks of early puberty are higher rates of sexual activity, increased risk of reproductive cancers and higher rates of teenage pregnancies.