In French Revolution (1789-1799) two political factions that disagreed on the revolution's path are Jacobins and the Conservatives. Conservatives were a political party advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes.
The Articles of Confederation, the United States' first constitution, was written during a time when the American people feared strong national governments. The new nation needed some kind of organization to hold states together to help them fend off future attacks and hopefully make a stronger economy, and the Articles of Confederation seemed like the best answer to build unity at the time.
The English government had been especially abusive to the Colonists, who were very reluctant to install a new government that could potentially function similar to the monarchy under King George. The loyalty of the people seemed to align more with the individual states than with the nation. After the American Revolution, states were still printing their own money, which was worthless in other states and further hindered cooperation. The 13 new states needed to find common ground and a way to cooperate.
During the American Revolution, many states wrote their own state constitutions. These constitutions consisted of political ideas that provided equality and freedom. States particularly relished the three branches of government and the idea of a republic, where citizens elect political officials. However, when the states came together to complete the first constitution, the nation was formed as a confederation, where states were sovereign, while trying to work together.
After the slavery was officially abolished in all of the US, the African Americans were quick to move out of the South and migrate massively toward the North. There were several factors as to why this happened. One big factor was that even though the slavery was abolished, the segregation and discrimination continued, so the opportunities in life were very limited. The South was not industrialized, while the North was heavily industrialized, thus the African Americans saw an opportunity to work in the factories instead in the fields. The atmosphere in the North was much better for them, as the majority of the people welcomed them and had no problems with them because of their skin color.