Chief Joseph was a Nez Perce chief who, faced with settlement by whites of tribal lands in Oregon, led his followers in a dramatic effort to escape to Canada.
Monotheistic - the def is belief in only one God, as is proven in Christianity (read the story of Abraham and the covenent if you need more help!).
The Electoral College (not collage) is a process of a selection of electors that have a meeting and vote for vice president and president, so yeah, you can say its a group of people. The answer is TRUE
Option D )One must cultivate themselves according to ritual
The Analects comprise parts of conversations as per the famous Chinese scholar and his believers. The title in English came from the word "analect" which basically translates to a piece of literature or a compound of instructions.
The Analects are said to have been derived from Confucius rather than the scholar himself. They comprise of honest and honorable principles, the ideas of which are far from inadequate changes.