a. oriki
The Yoruba people believe that communication with the gods and ancestors happen through chants and songs of praise combined with dance. What are these chants called oriki . As oriki is poem and form of poetry consisting of praise and singing or to describe attributes.
In a pressure injury, a localized area of injury to the skin may develop when soft tissue is compressed between a bony prominence and an external surface for a long period of time.
Pressure ulcers are skin breakdowns that occur in areas of the body that are compressed from prolonged bed rest, wheelchair use, or cast use. When you are immobile, unconscious, confined to bed, or unable to feel pain, pressure injuries may occur. When pressure permanently cuts off the blood supply to the skin, a pressure injury is one result. Skin cells die when there is inadequate blood flow to them. This first manifests as a painful, red area. Anyone can develop a pressure ulcer, but those over the age of 70 are more likely to struggle with mobility and have skin that is more vulnerable to injury from dehydration and other factors.
More about pressure injury
Pros: emergency use, able to use calculator, notes, internet, etc.., and for socializing with people (can be both good and bad)
Cons: distractions, lost/stolen, could be used in a way to bully ppl buy recording or taking pics and posting them on social media
The gift of science is electricity.
The post track is the oldest said to be made in 3838BC.
There's no document provided, I'll answer to the best of my knowledge
The abolitionist John Brown attempted to garner attention and do his part to abolish slavery by murdering three individuals who supported slavery, and later tried to host an armed uprising where he would lead slaves to raid a federal army in Harper's Ferry. The attack was unsuccessful, and he was later executed. His actions were radical, and in my opinion very misguided and would only lead to more violence.
That is my take on it, though I recommend you get your own opinion because that is a very opinionated topic.