16/64 = 1/4
This is a typical trihybrid cross involving three genes T, P and Y. A plant with genotype TTPpYy is crossed with a plant recessive for all traits (ttppyy).
According to Mendel's law of independent assortment, each allele for each gene will get sorted into the following 8 gametes with only 4 different: TPY, TPy, TpY, Tpy, TPY, TPy, TpY and Tpy.
The recessive parent, ttppyy will produce tpy, tpy, tpy, tpy, tpy, tpy, tpy and tpy.
Hence, using a punnet square, 64 offsprings will be produced with only 16 of them heterozygous dominant for the three traits with genotype (TtPpYy). Hence, proportion is 16/64 equivalent to 1/4.
La vida en la Tierra. Los estudios de los fósiles de rocas antiguas nos revelan que la vida probablemente comenzó hace unos 4 billones de años, cuando la Tierra era muy joven. Nadie sabe cómo comenzó la vida en nuestro planeta. La mayoría de los científicos piensa que se originó en el agua líquida
The Correct answer would be e. Mutate; are selected; evolve
Number B is the correct number
pretty sure it is an ultrasound