If it is on the desktop screen you just right click on the icon and select delete. from there if you're on a windows computer it goes to your recycle bin then you right click the recycle bin and a little rectangle pops up an in that rectangle it says clear recycle bin and once you press that all of the stuff that was in there is deleted. now if your on a computer that has chrome os installed you just go to the files screen and right click what you want to delete and click delete and it's gone.
The program to this question can be given as:
#include <stdio.h> //include header file.
int main() //defining main method
char i,j; //defining variable
for (i='a'; i<='e'; i++) //outer loop for column
for (j='a'; j<='e'; j++) //inner loop for row
printf("%c%c\n",i,j); //print value
return 0;
- In the above C language program, firstly a header file is included. Then the main method is defined in this, a method contains a char variable that is "i and j". This variable is used in for loop, that is used to print the pattern.
- To print the following patter two for loop is used the outer loop is used for print columns and the inner loop prints row.
- In C language to print character, we use "%c" inside a loop print function is used, that prints characters.
Page Layout explains how the document pages are going to look like after printing. When we check the layout in Word, then we can see that the page layout covers the elements like margins, number of columns, option for editing the header and footers. Various types of layouts are like a magazine layout, static, adaptive, dynamic, and adaptive as well as responsive layout.
And these page layout techniques are being implemented for customizing the magazine appearance, books, newspapers, websites, and various other sorts of publications. And such page layout covers page's all elements. Some of the best page layout software are:
Microsoft Publishers
Adobe InDesign
Download the free student version of Microsoft Office today, and explore Microsoft publisher to know more about it.
Please check the answer.
B.Teamwork is a soft skill involves the ability to work harmoniously with your
colleagues and improve productivity. It is the collaborative effort of a team to
complete a task or to achieve a common goal in the most effective and efficient
The code commented is given below, also the lines that start with # are comments that explains the code.
# Create a function named times_print that receives 2 values x and y
def times_print(x, y):
# Print the formatted string
print("The value of {} times {} is {}".format(x,y,x*y))
# Create the main function
def main():
# Call the funciton times_print 3 times with different values
# Execute the main function
The code was written using Python 3.5, and here I attach the screenshots of the program running: