<span>This diversity caused what has become to be known as "cultural imperialism". In other words, the culture of the colonizer was reflected in both the colony and the indigenous people that they came into contact with. This led to the expansion of the ideas of individual countries as well as colonies as diverse as Europe.</span>
Euripides D. Aristophanes. Weegy: Euripides authored the plays about the Athenians' treatment of women which include Medea, Electra, and The Trojan Women. Weegy: Author of Prometheus Bound, Aeschylus often tried to find reasons for laws in the universe.
The correct answer would be "suppressing anti-Austrian groups and publications".
However, while Austria did not demand that Serbia "accept responsibility for the assassination" of the archduke, they did demand the Serbia accept an inquiry on the matter, despite the fact that they were already conducting an internal investigation. Serbia did not accept this condition.
His opponent became the vp