Photosynthesis doesn't occur at night. When there is no photosynthesis, there is a net release of carbon dioxide and a net uptake of oxygen. ... the rate of photosynthesis is higher than the rate of respiration. there is a net release of oxygen and a net uptake of carbon dioxide.
It is possible to use the information of the nucleotide sequence of one strand to determine the sequence of the other strand.
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a biological molecule with two strands. Each strand is made up of a sequence of nucleotides. The DNA nucleotides are Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G) and Thymine (T).
- In a DNA molecule, Adenine forms an hydrogen bond with Thymine i.e. A-T, while Guanine forms an hydrogen bond with Cytosine i.e. G-C.
- Therefore, it is possible to use the information of the nucleotide sequence of one strand to determine the sequence of the other strand. For example, a strand with ATGCGTACGAT will form the following sequence: TACGCATGCTA
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Wind currents move from <em>high to low pressure</em>.
In photosynthesis, carbon reduction helps make glucose, the oxygen is formed with the reduction of water in the photosystems 2 and 1.
In cellular respiration, both of these compounds would be reactants.
Produced by the choroid plexus -T.This is the major secretion site.It is also produced in smaller quantities in the interstitial compartment.
Blocks blood toxins from brain tissue-F, that is the job of the blood brain barrier(BBB).
Supplies oxygen to the brain tissue-T.This gas is dissolved in the CSF together with CO2 for distribution among nervous tissues by the CSF
Maintains the concentration of glycine surrounding the brain-T
Found in the ventricles of the heart and brain-False,it does not reach the heart ventricles.This are occupied by blood.
Prevents concussions-T
Produces antibodies in response to antigen exposure in the brain tissue-False.These are produced by the B-cells, not by in the CSF,based on the specif antigen stimulation.
Effectively decreases the brain's weight-T It reduces the weight of the brain.This is done by the buoyancy it provided for the brain.
Compared to levels in the blood plasma, the CSF is higher in glucose-F.This is wrong, the glucose of the blood plasma is higher.But equal sodium ion,more chloride in CSF, and less protein.It s levels is a relefection of blood glucose.Although it may lag 2-4hrs in the CSF.
It prevents concussion,(T)and and the contraction of cardiac muscles propels its movement(T).