You should expect an endangered species to be more SPECIALIST. Animal species that can live in different types of environment and which can survive on different types of food are called generalist. This type of animal specie can not be easily endangered because they have high level of survival. The specialist animal species on the other hand are adapted to a narrow range of food and environment. Specialist species can be easily wipe out if there food resources is exhausted or if their habitat is destroyed.
glucose is the monomer of carbohydrate
phosphate is the monomer of nucleic acid
sugar is the monomer of nucleic acid
amino acid is the monomer of protein
glycerol is the monomer of lipid
nitrogenous base is the monomer of nucleic acid
1 Answer. Mandira P. With the discovery of electron microscope, biologists realised that it did not make any sense to include prokaryotic world of bacteria in kingdom protista with single celled eukaryotic organisms. Hence a separate kingdom, Monera, was created.
The answer would be the last one because a deletion changes every codon configuration that follows it and thus changes the amino acid that codes for that codon
Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which is what makes plants green. Onions are not green because they do not contain chloroplasts. The reason they do not have chloroplasts is because in the chloroplast, photosynthesis takes place. A key player in the process of photosynthesis is the sun. The onion itself grows underground which means while they grow they do not come into contact with the sun so chloroplasts in an onion is pointless since they can’t undergo photosynthesis. Hope I helped!