This one is really hard especially since it's a baby omg! i.d.k? I would let my child cry cause i.d.k these people.
The reader might learn new information.
Narration is point of view.
There could be first person, where the narrator is a character in the story.
"I jumped into the air."
Second person is when the author is addressing you, the reader, but this isn't really used in stories.
"You jumped into the air."
Third person is when the narrator talks about the story and the characters.
"He jumped into the air."
In first person, you could have multiple people narrating the story at different times. For example, here are two people narrating the story:
"I jumped into the air."
"I saw bob jump into the air across the street. Oh, no! He forgot that he ate 10 hot dogs yesterday! He's going to vomit!"
As you can see, going into another person's mind to see their perspective of the story can greatly change what is going on. You can learn new information based on who is the narrator.
The answer is: To predict what will happen next in a story.
c. because the text follows the history of smallpox from its beginning to its eradication, or end
The text is organized in chronological order, going from when smallpox first started to when vaccination replaced variolation. The beginning helps provide evidence and support for how Jenner helped to spread immunization.
Your answer is B.Predicative Nominative.
Hope this helps :)