Yes, we should eat meat because it contains a lot of proteins. If we don't eat chicken the population of chicken will increase a lot. Also doctors suggest eating non-veg in balance for good health. Eating meat controls population of animals.
You're matching prompts to description so for example you would match name, address, and email to personal information.
There are are many books, media, movies that represent Frankenstein's story but the one that I like the most is Edward Scissorhands because it depicts American society and it portrays a humorous tone at the beginning of the story at least and it doesn't finish so sadly as Shelley's original novel although Edward Scissorhands has some drama at the end . The creator of Edward Scissorhands doesn't appear in the movie in contrast of Shelley's character in which the relationship between the creator and the monster is very problematic. People react differently to the monster. In Shelley's story the monster in never accepted and in Edward Scissorhands, he is accepted as the new thing in town at the beginning of the story.
1.-The form of media: It is a movie.
2.-The story is presented humorously at the beginning and dramatically at the end.
3.-The tone in Shelley's novel is mostly dramatic while in Edward Scissorhands is humorous at the beginning and dramatic at the end.
If you're talking about an outline for a paper, you can add in little notes and thoughts that come to you while you're writing it. I know an outline's only supposed to be a rough plan without lots of detail, but if you have a really great idea for your wording or an example to use or something, you can totally add that in. If you're just talking about a study sheet, you can do the same thing: add in little mnemonic devices that help you remember the information. It can be anything. Like, if the reading made you think of something from your own life, write that down, it may help you retain the information.
Obviously, don't waste a lot of time with this, but the formatting can really help. Highlighting the headings and making sure to include enough space for readabilty is important.
I'm not really an expert, but I hope I could help!
The Bells, poem by Edgar Allan Poe, published posthumously in the magazine Sartain's Union (November 1849).
In every stanza he talks about different bells, and what noises they make, and for what occasion they are for. In the first stanza he talks about sleigh bells and Christmas bells. In this poem he uses the words tinkling and jingling to represent the bells.