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1. Because it only causes hassle and inconvenience and they had no business to be in Birmingham which was such a big deal to the Birmingham people.
2 Yes, because Apostle Paul has a similar position as DR. King.
3. He simply points out the result of equality.
4. He had no other way of expressing his ideas but to protest but he realized he must do it in an effective way,.
5. Negotiation is only a wise choice if you were being heard and taken seriously.
6. They will continue to suffer if they wait. Nonviolent civil disobedience shows that people want immediate change.
7. King broke the law in order to be heard. The kind of laws he broke were the laws that are unjust.
8. An unjust law is a law that silences and slows people down.
9. Anarcy is only a result of a person's want to disobey, not to cause needed change.
10. People know that God was the ultimate ruler and so they needed to disobey the Roman Empire when they needed to.
11. He was not an extremist because he was operating in the middle ground between two extreme forces.
12. He imagined that the white moderates would realize the oppression that was happening.
13. He points out the time when Christianity was the strongest and most influential religion whose members were very zealous about it they'd do anything to smooth out any opposition.
14. He was able to address some of their concerns but not all.