The main source of tension is how Chet is laticia
Cats were praised for killing venomous snakes and protecting the Pharaoh since at least the First Dynasty of Egypt.
An educational excursion is a study trip or research trip, in which students leave the school building to develop educational and learning activities in a different environment, usually related to the subject on which the excursion has reason. Thus, for example, an excursion to a museum can be part of the curriculum of the history subject, where the teacher transfers his students to a different environment so that they can make direct contact with the topic to be addressed in class.
Excursions, in general, are excellent educational experiences, as they are efficient ways of establishing knowledge since the student relates the subject studied with the lived experience, which facilitates their understanding of the topic and their fixation of knowledge.
Answer: My name is my username (Marwan) so yeah.
<u>looking for other books that share the same topic</u>
The theme of a book is the subject that will be developed during the narrative, that is, it is the main subject that will serve as a basis for a story to be told. This theme can be family, friendship, depression, abandonment, solidarity, overcoming, among others.
Books that share the same topics are usually connected by the same theme. For this reason, if Denis wants to find the theme of the book he is reading, he can search for books that share the same topic to facilitate his search.